
Archive for the ‘SMB’ Category

Kraft Version 0.90

December 31, 2019 1 comment

This blog is to inform that Kraft, the Qt and KDE based desktop software to manage documents like invoices and quotes in your small company was released in version 0.90 recently.

Followup Documents

A great new feature is the completely reworked handling of so called follow-up documents. Kraft has this feature to help dealing with docs that follow on a certain kind of predecessor doc in the business flow, such as an invoice follows on an offer once the work has been finished.

Document flow exampleTo achieve that and to have all the items of the offer again referenced in the invoice, the Kraft user justs clicks on the menu item “Create Followup Document” on the selected offer, and the new doc is created with all the items of the offer prepared. It is ready to be adjusted to the final invoice details.

Now with version 0.90 this has even improved. Often, the flow is a bit different because a partial invoice is sent while the job is still in progress, for example to cover cost for material. A partial invoice usually has only one item, which is the progress payment the customer should pay.

Kraft users can handle that now very easy: The new UI does not only allow to choose from which predecessor document the final invoice should copy the items (which usually is the offer in the beginning) but it also realises that a partial invoice was sent before, so this amount of payment has to be substracted from the final invoice. Kraft adds an item to the final doc automatically here.

This helps to create high quality documents for your customers even faster, which is exactly the mission of Kraft.

Other Improvements

In addition to that, as usual a lot of other visible and invisible changes have gone into this release. For example, the UI has been simplified again by a clean up of the menu for example. The About Kraft dialog was removed and integrated into the Kraft information page.

Under the hood, we finally added unit tests, which is just a start so far, and ntroduced a new, XML based system to manage the available document types which makes igrations way easier. Last but not least the python based pdf conversion script was ported to python 3 to be ready for the end of python 2.


Last but not least, Kraft got new contributions from the community: A new document type was initiated by a community member, which is a offer like document without showing the price information. Also, the complete app was translated to Dutch by a volunteer, and the translation is now shipped with Kraft by default. Also, other smaller bugfixes went in.

Thank you all for your help to improve Kraft.

Categories: KDE, Kraft, Qt, Release, SMB Tags: , , ,

SMB on openSUSE Conference

May 21, 2017 1 comment

The annual openSUSE Conference 2017 is upcoming! osc17finalNext weekend it will be again in the Z-Bau in Nuremberg, Germany.

The conference program is impressive and if you can make it, you should consider stopping by.

Stefan Schäfer from the Invis server project and me will organize a workshop about openSUSE for Small and Medium Business (SMB).

SMB is a long running concern of the heart of the two of us: Both Stefan, who even does it for living, and me have both used openSUSE in the area of SMB for long and we know how well it serves there. Stefan has even initiated the Invis Server Project, which is completely free software and builds on top of the openSUSE distributions. The Invis Server adds a whole bunch of extra functionality to openSUSE that is extremely useful in the special SMB usecase. It came a long way starting as Stefans own project long years ago, evolving as proper maintained openSUSE Spin in OBS with a small, but active community.

The interesting question is how openSUSE, Invis Server and other smaller projects like for example Kraft can unite and offer a reliable maintained and comprehensive solution for this huge group of potential users, that is now locked in to proprietary technologies mainly while FOSS can really make a difference here.

In the workshop we first will introduce the existing projects briefly, maybe discuss some technical questions like integration of new packages in the openSUSE distributions and such, and also touch organizational question like how we want to setup and market openSUSE SMB.

Participants in the workshop should not expect too much presentation. We rather hope for a lively discussion with many people bringing in their projects that might fit, their experiences and ideas. Don’t be shy 🙂